Dental Care

Pregnant? Useful Tips on Looking After Your Mouth!

How does pregnancy effect your gums?

Having bleeding, sensitive gums (gingivitis) is common in pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones can cause your gums to swell and become inflamed, making them bleed more easily when you brush or clean between your teeth.

Can bleeding gums lead to other problems?

Untreated gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, which weakens the tissue and bone that keep your teeth anchored in your jaw.

If you don’t see your dentist to halt the damage caused by periodontitis, your teeth and gums could get progressively worse. Your gums may become infected and develop pus-filled sacs (abscesses), and come away from your teeth. The ligaments and bone at the base of your teeth will then become damaged.

What can I do to help this?

It is important to maintain good oral hygiene throughout pregnancy. That includes brushing twice daily for 2 minutes and flossing daily.

It is also a good idea to visit your dentist and hygienist especially once you are pregnant. Pregnant women are entitled to free dental treatment on the NHS up until one year after given birth.

If you smoke, give up as smoking can make your gums worse


It is advised not to have x-rays during pregnancy. However most general dental treatments are ok to do.

Can I whiten my teeth while I am pregnant?

No. It is not recommended to have this treatment.

Does morning sickness effect my teeth?

Morning sickness can effect your teeth as sick contains acid from your stomach can erode the enamel of the teeth which causes the nerves of the teeth to be exposed which leads to sensitivity.

It is advised to wait at least 30mins after being sick to brush your teeth to allow the PH levels to return to their normal levels to avoid damaging tooth surface.


Some women experience unusual food cravings (and food avoidance) while they are pregnant. A regular desire for sugary snacks may increase your risk of tooth decay. Try to snack on low-sugar foods instead.

If nothing but sweetness will satisfy your craving, try to sometimes choose healthier options such as fresh fruits. Rinse your mouth with water or milk, or brush your teeth after having sugary snacks.

You need to increase your daily amount of calcium during pregnancy. Sufficient calcium will protect your bone mass and meet the nutritional needs of your developing baby.

Good sources of dietary calcium include low-fat versions of products such as:
calcium-fortified soymilk.

Perfect Smile Spa based in Hornchurch Essex is a Leading Cosmetic Dentistry practice and is dedicated to PAINLESS dentistry.

Call us for a free consultation on 01708 442 114 or email Useful Tips on Looking After Your Mouth! was last modified: July 2nd, 2018 by Dr Jas Sagoo