It is very often said that false teeth are no good; they look bad, are loose and are for the ‘very old’. Is this really the case?
It is very often said that false teeth are no good; they look bad, are loose and are for the ‘very old’. Is this really the case?
Possibly the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment, veneers have given tens of millions of people the smile they want in just a few visits. However, many patients who visit us believe that it’s normal to have teeth shaved before veneers, which isn’t true!
How long do dental implants take to do? One of the most advanced and natural way of replacing teeth are dental implants. Over ten million teeth implants have been placed in the USA alone and the numbers are growing every year.
Did you know that more than half the population don’t attend the dentist regularly? A lot of people avoid the dentist at all costs and some just go when they are desperate!
Did you know that over three quarters of people don’t like smiling, and over half of uswould change something about our smile. The simplest way is to perk up those teeth is teeth whitening. It is the most common cosmetic dentistry procedure, with tens of millions of treatments carried out around the world.