Clear Braces|Cosmetic Dentistry|Dental Care|Porcelain Veneers|Six month smile

How Can I Straighten my Teeth

Over three quarters of the population are not happy about their smile. It may be because their teeth are discoloured, gappy, chipped or crooked. Not many people are aware that simple cost effective treatments such as clear braces, teeth bonding, teeth whitening and porcelain veneers can give them a smile they can be proud of.

Dental Care|Gum Disease

What is fluoride and is it good for my teeth?

What is fluoride?Fluoride is a natural mineral which comes from a chemical ion of the element fluorine. Fluoride is found in many foods, drinking water and also it’s naturally found in our soil. The amount of fluoride that is in our water varies from different areas of the region, depending on where you are located. The […]