We have all seen the adverts on television promoting whitening toothpastes and how they claim to whiten your teeth in as little as 7 days but do they actually work?
We have all seen the adverts on television promoting whitening toothpastes and how they claim to whiten your teeth in as little as 7 days but do they actually work?
Bleeding Gums Treatment When you think about dentistry, people mainly think teeth. That by going to the dentist every 6 months you are having your teeth checked to make sure they are healthy, but dentists actually examine everything in your mouth including your tongue, soft tissues and gums.
At some point in our life we will all lose some or all of our teeth. There are many reasons for loosing teeth. From the age of about 6 years up until puberty we start to lose our ‘baby teeth’. These are replaced with our permanent teeth. This is a natural process that everyone will […]
A persons smile is the first feature that is noticed when you meet someone. Having a beautiful smile is becoming more important to people and Cosmetic dentistry is making that possible.
In 2013 it was estimated that in Great Britain there was 10 million adults who smoked, whether that be cigarettes, cigars or a pipe. 22% of those were adult men and 19% adult women. Even though it is illegal to sell cigarettes to those under 18 years of age, approximately 200,000 of children aged between […]