Dental Care

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned

We all know that we should be visiting our dentist for regular checkups, however, one thing we may not be aware of is that we should also be scheduling routine dental hygiene appointments to have our teeth professionally cleaned.

Regular maintenance of our oral health at home is essential in keeping our teeth healthy and clean, however, this doesn’t necessarily mean that our oral hygiene routine should stop there.

This guide explains the core reasons why you should be scheduling a dental hygiene appointment, and the importance of getting your teeth professionally cleaned.

  1. Keeps Your Teeth in Tip-Top Condition

Brushing at home, your teeth may look and feel clean, but the back of your teeth and molars are usually areas that get missed and need close attention.

It’s critically important to also have your teeth professionally cleaned to keep your teeth in tip-top condition. Professional dental cleaning helps to thoroughly clean the areas of our mouth that we can’t see or struggle to reach with a toothbrush. This prevents the build-up of plaque that can lead to infections later on.

  1. Can Remove Stains

Teeth whitening is the most effective way to brighten your smile and achieve whiter teeth, however, professional dental cleaning can remove some stains on the surface of your teeth that normal brushing can not.  Whereas teeth whitening removes all stains and gives you a whiter smile.

Although our popular teeth whitening procedure is the most effective way of giving your smile a boost and can brighten your teeth several shades whiter, a professional cleaning can remove some stains, for example, from tea or coffee consumption.

  1. Removal of Tartar

Tartar is a collection of bacteria that build on your teeth and the gum line and is a form of hardened plaque. However hard we try to avoid the buildup of tartar, it can be difficult to avoid, particularly in those hard to reach places. 

Over time, tartar can become a breeding ground for bacteria to collect and can increase the chances of gingivitis and periodontitis. Our professional dental hygienists provide dental cleaning to remove any tartar that cannot be removed at home with normal brushing.

  1. Gum Disease

Gum disease is a very common condition that is experienced by most UK adults at least once in their lifetime. 

Bacteria that sit in your mouth can cause your gums to become inflamed and infected, resulting in gum disease that is experienced by many of us each year. If gum disease remains untreated, it only gets worse.

Regular dental hygienist appointments remove the deposits that create the environment that can lead to gum disease. As gum disease is also linked to other conditions, including heart problems and diabetes, taking the time now to have your teeth professionally cleaned can prevent gum disease from causing further damage later on in life.

  1. Prevents Bad Breath

Bad breath is extremely common, and can most often be prevented by changing our daily habits. Bacteria that sits on the teeth can turn into tooth decay and gum disease, which can cause issues with bad breath.

When visiting a dental hygienist for a professional cleaning, they will be able to provide you with guidance on what is causing your bad breath, and outline ways to prevent this issue from occurring in the future. In most cases, regular professional cleaning can prevent long-term bad breath completely.

  1. Reduces Chances of Heart Disease or Strokes

Unfortunately, there are higher risks of having heart disease or strokes if you have gum disease. As gum disease can often go undetected, visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and having professional cleaning from a dental hygienist gives you the best possible chance of reducing these risks.

Clean teeth are the best way to prevent gum disease. If your mouth isn’t healthy, it makes it harder for the rest of your body to stay healthy too.

  1. It Can Prevent Future Problems

Emergency treatment can be costly, which is why taking the time to invest in your oral health can prevent major problems in the future. While many of us fail to visit the dentist when we really should to save a few pounds, we are very likely to spend a lot more in the long run unless we really take care of our teeth now.

During your appointment, the hygienist can give your teeth a thorough clean and can spot other issues that may need further investigation. As the hygienist will inspect your mouth before cleaning, you’ll have an additional level of reassurance that your mouth, gums and teeth are all healthy.

Dental Hygiene Appointments at Perfect Smile Spa

At Perfect Smile Spa, we offer cleaning-only appointments, so you can take care of routine maintenance without visiting the dentist first. Regular visits to the hygienist help identify problems as early as possible and also prevents potential complications.

If you’re wondering what to expect from dental hygiene appointments, we recommend heading over to our Dental Hygienist page.